Wednesday, August 29, 2012

AAPL : Updates 08/29/12

APPL continues strong towards our target of $850 by  JAN 2013. See P&F charts

This week we saw $$$ flow from AAPL to GOOGLE, this is temporary and will change next week.

AAPL is basing on the 60 minutes for a breakout to $740 next month.  See Weekly charts. AAPL is one of the cheapest stock in S&P 500 and it will continue to grow next 3 years for a price target of $1500

On the IRA accounts we are holding till $800, sell and buy lower after a 10% correction (which may not come as per weekly charts in 2012)

Weekly trading accounts are managed as per the 60 minutes charts.. sell begining of  week and buy on Wed evening is working  out well.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

FaceBook (FB) - Our suggestion on IPO? where we are now?

We suggested not to buy FaceBook IPO at $44 on the opening day. Our target was $14. But some of you bought it. Also I got couple of hate emails and on my Facebook page regarding our suggestion.

Let us do a reality check today :- FaceBook (FB) is at $20.90 down from $44.00. We think it will go to $14 as suggested on the IPO day. It can comeback to $20 and then again $4-$8 range in the next 12 months.. yes $4 you heard it. Remember the lockup period and additional 250 million insider selling on Aug 12 2012.

Your comments are welcome.. we value your opinion.
Venkatesh K